Reb Zusya said: At the end of my life, I won’t be asked “why weren’t you more like Abraham? Why weren’t you more like Moses?” No, I will be asked “why weren’t you more like Zusya?”


Do you ever get the feeling that there is something more to life, something beyond ourselves, something deeper, something that interconnects everyone and everything?

Do you feel “spiritual but not religious,” not tied to any religious or faith tradition, not drawn to any dogma or set of rituals or expectations – but still have questions about what your life means or if you can experience more wholeness as person?

Or are you a member of a synagogue, church, mosque or another house of worship but feel that there’s still something more to experience, something sacred that the standard practice of religion isn’t giving you by itself?

Are you seeking something that you can’t quite define? Some inner self, core, depth of life, sacred source, intuitive self?

These questions – and so many more – can be addressed through spiritual counseling. Spiritual counseling (also called spiritual direction, spiritual coaching, or spiritual companionship) is a process, an exploration, and a conversation that takes place in the company of another who engages in non-judgmental listening, allowing you to explore a conscious and intentional relationship with the Divine (however you define it). 

Spiritual counseling is not therapy. It is working with a guide who offers encouragement and support, who asks questions and listens, and who works with you to develop contemplative practices that will bring out your own inner wisdom and sense of balance. 

I am an ordained rabbi who has created, taught, and led numerous meditative, spiritual and contemplative practices. I have over 25 years of experience teaching and leading spiritual practices, and as a pastoral counselor, storyteller, composer of sacred music and chants, and prayer leader. When engaging in spiritual counseling, I utilize non-judgmental listening and contemplative practices in order to create a safe space for others to think out loud and explore their own inner or spiritual journey. 

How We Can Work Together

Contact me to set up a free introductory session to see if this is something that will work for you. 

After that, we meet for 50 minute online sessions, typically monthly. If you are in the greater Philadelphia area and prefer to meet in person, let’s talk!

I charge $125 for each 50 minute session. 

I encourage ongoing feedback about how the process is working for you. I am here for you!