Spiritual Teachings
and Practices

At the heart of spirituality, at the heart of religion, is spiritual practice. The spiritual path is not just about thinking, it’s about doing. Philosophy, theology, theory – these only go so far, but experience goes a long way. People tell me that they are “spiritual but not religious” all the time – it’s a rapidly growing category of identification! And all too often that category means “I have some concept of there being ‘something more’ than just our five senses, but I don’t really explore it. I just know I am not finding it in the mainstream organized religions.” This is becoming more and more common as less people are joining houses of worship.

This is exactly why I emphasize spiritual practice as much – if not more! – than I teach spiritual concepts. “Show me, don’t tell me” – to experience Divinity (or whichever word works for you – energy, spirit, oneness, etc.) is radically different than just learning about it.

I have been a Scholar-in-Residence, a Rabbi-in-Residence, a spirituality retreat leader, a meditation teacher, and a spiritual practices facilitator for many years, and have led retreats and workshops all over the country, and even virtually via Zoom! My emphasis has been Jewish spiritual practice as well as a “neo-Hasidic” approach to understanding spirituality.

I work with individuals and groups, teaching and leading spiritual practices. I lead meditation as well as sacred chant, often using my own composed melodies.

A sample of themes:

  • Spiritual Practice in Judaism

  • Sacred Hebrew chanting

  • Equanimity: finding balance

  • Jewish Meditation: basic concepts and practices

  • An introduction to Jewish spirituality

  • Divine Consciousness: putting aside the ego through spiritual practice

  • Kabbalah in action

  • The many names of God

  • The Path: finding our own way through the spiritual world

  • Change your perspective: how spirituality broadens our vision

  • and many others!

Interested in spiritual practice?


Life is lived as ongoing narrative – meaning, our lives are our stories! As a society, we love streaming shows and watching movies and reading books and even listening to podcasts because we all relate to stories and storytelling. Good storytelling can be the best way to learn, as well as to laugh and to be entertained.

 I am a lifelong storyteller, but just as importantly, I am a professional Storyteller. I use stories in everything I do, but I also offer storytelling programs for all different age groups, children and adults. I believe in the power of stories to transform, to guide, to teach, and to give us wisdom.

 Intrigued? Want to bring me to your group or organization? Please Reach Out!